Anatomy of a Perfect Embrace
What is perfect embrace? It is like a kiss – different people will give you different answer. Some like it soft and tender, others long and passionate or short and playful… There are no rules there. That is the beauty of tango – it is not a standardized dance. The way you create your tango embrace depends on what you want to achieve. In my article “Flavors of tango: motion vs emotion” I tried to explain the difference between different flavors of tango. Here I give you a visual guide how to create an embrace which is optimized for…
How ladies choose partners
Knowing the answer to the question “How ladies choose their partners?” can be game changing for both, men and women. Ladies, especially if they are beginners, who know how other ladies choose their partners can save themselves from frustrating experiences. Having terrible tanda for some ladies can be emotionally devastating and after that they can just pack their things and go home. Knowing this answer, can change the perspective for men too. Understanding what ladies look for in their dancing will give them idea what they should focus on in their learning process. This is why I asked some of…
Learning to dance in small spaces
Dancing in small spaces can be a blissful or frustrating experience, depending on what kind of skills the dancer developed during his learning process. Skills to navigate the complex world of crowded dance floors are often regarded as a sign of experience and high status among social tangeros. In this article I will give you a list of some of the benefits you can have from learning how to dance on crowded dance floors. I believe that these are the most important ones, but other dancers can list more. If you have one, I would be happy to read them…
The flavors of tango: motion vs emotion
Technique is overrated. I often say this when I want to illustrate how little tango dancers pay attention on the cultivation of the emotional side of their dance. The secret of tango is not in the motion: it is in the emotion. In this article I will try to identify some of the key differences between motion and emotion in tango. I will also try to give you some entry level advice on how to cultivate the emotion in your dance. “I saw you dancing with her. You finally succeed! No more chasing her, we can go home now”, my…
How to rekindle your passion for tango?
It is always interesting to see the enthusiasm when people first start dancing tango. Discovering that secret world for them is something which sparkles great passion for everything connected to the dance. What they often don’t tell us when we start is that the passion will eventually fade away. Some might think that there is nothing you can do; that it might be natural, but I disagree. You can just wait for the passion to (or not to) return, or, you can do something about it. I believe that waiting is not always the smarter option – this is what…