How to achieve good connection?
There is no good dancing if you aren’t able to connect your partner. Even beginners understand this and, yet, people leave that to be achieved by accident, without any intentional action. It’s often defined as something which depends on the ‘chemistry’ or compatibility of partners. But what if I tell you that there are things you can and you should do to have better connection with the partners you dance to? In my opinion, what we refer to as chemistry, is often overrated and can be changed by intentional action. “Ivica, why you don’t dance with her? She is so…
Why do we need cabeceo/mirada?
Tango starts in the eyes: with cabeceo/mirada. The magic of the dance starts even before you step on the dance floor. It starts with the way you invite or accept the dance. Remember the videos of Osvaldo Zotto and Mora Godoy showing tango sequences? In the very first one, in the very opening the narrator says: – The tango as a dance is a game of seduction and like any game of seduction it begins in the eyes, in a glance and has very clear rules. But it is not only because it is a game of seduction. It is,…
What it takes to be a good tango teacher?
Being a good tango teacher is not just showing steps and make them repeat after you. It’s not knowing a lot of fancy names for the steps you teach, as well. Being a good teacher has to do with who you are as a person. It has to do with how do you relate to the material you teach and to your students. It’s strange how sometimes just one sentence said in the right moment can change your life… “Ivica, what’s the reason you’re not teaching tango? You have all it takes to be a good teacher”, she said. My…
How to interpret different orchestras?
Every tango dancer with good musicality is probably curious how can one interpret the difference in the music of the different orchestras. It is considered a bad dancing if you dance the same way no matter what the music leads you to. Even so, it is surprising how many, even professionals, dance all the music in the same manner. Of course, I’m not the ultimate authority in this… in fact, I doubt there is such a thing when it comes to musicality: every person feels the music in their on way. Saying so, doesn’t mean that there is no certain…
Am I a good DJ?
photo by Sergio Scandiuzzi © If you are a good DJ you probably often ask yourself a lots of questions. One of the most important ones is ‘Am I a good DJ?’ You probably tried to think of a way to feel the pulse of the dancers and find out can you make some adjustments to improve. If you have not come up with a consistent method – here it is. If you already have one, maybe this will help you make it sharper. I have a tango DJ friend who once told me a funny…