Why Do You Dance the Way You Do?
Understanding how you learned things and why you dance the way you do is very important if you have ambition to improve your dancing. Of course, you can let things grow naturally and let go of a pre-planned tango journey, but there are people like me who have clear goals and know where they want their journey to take them and how they want to dance. If you’re like me and want to purposefully guide it, you’re like a ship sailing on an open ocean – you will catch the winds that take you towards your direction and disregard others.…
Tango Minimalism: Small Steps to Heaven
I’ve been wanting to write about tango minimalism for a while, and yet my thoughts on this topic are so intertwined with other topics that whenever I start – I end up writing about other stuff. In fact, the nature of simplicity is that it’s connected to complexity in unpredictable ways: it contains everything and yet shows very little in form. It works for art – and it works for social tango as well, despite the fact that social dancing is not an art form. Dancing Simple Is Hard “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I…
Open Letter to Encuentro Organizers: Produce Milonguero Videos
Dear milonguero events organizers, I am sure you noticed that there is this perception among some dancers that tango milonguero is a dying thing; something which was something in the past and does no longer exist. Many think that the natural development of tango went into direction they call “tango salon”, appropriated term which is basically toned down version of tango escenario. I believe that what they don’t understand is that social tango (the real tango salon), or tango milonguero, actually is still existing and developing far away from what has been served to them. I’m not that long in…
Dehumanizing tango
We have decoupled society from nature. We have decoupled sex from intimacy. We have decoupled thinking from feeling. We have even decoupled tango from human nature. I don’t have to be an expert psychologist or sociologist to recognize that this cannot happen without causing damage and alienation, without creating defects, and without losing something essential. The dehumanizing direction we are all headed in as a society reflects how tango is danced as well. I’m not saying there’s a single right way or an ultimate prototype of what tango should be. I’m simply suggesting that when I view tango in a…
My AI usage policy: Robots are Confused About Tango
Since I’ve started publishing articles every week, I guess you’ve asked yourself: does artificial intelligence writes for me and what is my AI usage policy? The short answer is “No, I do it all by myself.” But there’s more to it… This article, as I imagine it, will serve well as my AI usage policy – since I want to be intellectually honest with my readers. I write every day! It helps me with my mental discipline and also brings me closer to my goal of improving my English, as it’s not my native language. A few months back, I…